Master of Pain Management | Mark Cohen
Mobile Massage Therapy in Lakewood NJ


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When the pain in your body just won't go away, who do you call. Some people take pain medicine, try heating pads, even meditation......Anything to find resolve. Some people get injections. still others go for spinal manipulation. These treatments may offer some temporary relief, but DO THEY RESOVLE THE PAIN OR SIMPLY MASK IT?

Mark Cohen, Licensed Massage Therapist with over 25 years expertise and brings a unique perspective to his many clients. I've always believed you have to nurture healing naturally so the body can adapt to learn how to tolerate the pain. Pain is a signal of both in letting you know something is wrong, but also during healing, it's a barometer which lets you know when something is right as well.


The process of healing is different for everybody. When I first meet a client, I want them to rate their own pain level. Knowing everyone has a different tolerance and then go from there, I would rather help someone overcome their pain with effective and proper techniques which have proven time after time to work as opposed to having symptoms hidden under a cloud of medicine or manipulation which potentially can cause other damage while addressing the pain. This could cause additional damage making the client dependent on the drugs as their body has not learned to adapt to the pain, simply they become accustomed to the cloud which helps them get through their day.